Subject: 🔮 Jennifer Blackstream News 🕵️‍♀️

Change in seasons, change in newsletter...

Exciting changes are afoot!

Once again, I'm shaking up the newsletter experience. I'll be trying out a few new segments and getting your feedback on what you like and what you don't. Feel free to respond to any newsletter with feedback (good or bad, but if it's bad, please be kind. I have a teenage son, so I already get plenty of undiluted attitude).

Dear Mother Abby

Have a moral dilema? A burning etiquette question? An *AITA query?

Well, Mother Abby is here for you. In our newest newsletter segment, you can respond to any newsletter with "Dear Mother Abby" and if your letter is chosen, our most helpful of witches will respond in the next newsletter with wit, wisdom, and, if I'm honest, probably some pixie gibberish thrown in.

*AITA is short for "Am I the Asshole?"

** If you prefer, you can write to a character from any of my series by using "Dear [insert character name]." If you use "Mother Abby" I'll respond with whatever character I think will have the best (or most amusing) answer. If you choose a character, then you'll hear from that character.

Black Friday is coming...

You'll be getting a couple more emails from me this month for Thanksgiving/Black Friday. Definitely keep an eye on your inboxes because one of those emails will have a little Thanksgiving vignette featuring everyone's favorite goblin...

Oh, and there will be some holiday deals too.

Mostly I'm excited about the goblin stuff.

Remember all of my emails will have emojis in the subject line, so they'll be super easy to spot. Those emojis are: 🔮 and 🕵️‍♀️.

Interested in beta-reading for me?

Okay, so I'm going to try building a beta reader team. This will be experimental, so we'll have to see how it goes.

What is a beta reader?

A beta reader gets to read the book as it's being written. For me, that will mean after the second draft but before edits. As a beta reader, you'll get a chapter or possibly several chapters at a time along with a link to a survey (including an open section to offer random feedback/thoughts). Once you've filled out the survey, you'll get the next portion.

Is it the same as an ARC team (Advanced Review Copy)?

No. An ARC is a complete version of the book, possibly before final edits/proofreading, which is sent to readers so they can read the book and provide advance reviews and/or reviews on release day. Beta readers don't get the final version, they get the in-progress version. This means the author (me) will likely make significant changes to the book based on the feedback provided by betas.

Will everyone who's interested get on the team?

No. I'm only looking for a handful of beta readers at this time. For one thing, having too many beta readers is a "too many cooks in the kitchen" situation. For another, some people have a gift for beta reading (if you look at your reviews and notice you frequently write more than one paragraph, this is probably you). Some have the desire, but not the follow through (if your reviews are one sentence or less, this might be you). A good beta reader has the desire/follow through to explain what they liked and what they didn't. Saying "this chapter sucked" is less helpful than saying "I felt like nothing significant really happened in this chapter, the characters were just sort of talking and it was sort of boring."

What if I don't make it onto the team?

I plan to choose new beta readers for each book. If someone demonstrates a particular passion-skill combo for beta reading, I may invite them to beta the next book as well for as long as they want to do it.

Who shouldn't apply to be a beta reader?

Very busy people. I'm trying really hard to publish reliably, and since life has a habit of blind-siding me, I'm often on a tight schedule. When I send chapters out, I'll need to get feedback fairly quickly, so if you need more than a week to read a few chapters and provide detailed feedback, this might not be for you.

If I haven't scared you off, give me your email address on this form and I'll contact you as soon as I have something for you to read! (Probably not until January).

Who is this weird woman who writes such books?

(This is another new segment. You'll learn a bit about me in every newsletter. I'll try to be entertaining, but I'll also put this segment at the bottom so you can skip it easily if you don't care about me or my rocks.)

I don't drink out of coffee mugs that aren't at least 14 oz. Frankly, it just makes my answer to "Jennifer, how many cups of coffee have you had today?" more awkward.

In addition to being at least 14 oz, my mugs have to be either funny, or have some affectionate connotation.

These are my amusing mugs. For those of you who can't read the picture, they read as follows:

  1. Shakespeare insult mug. Among the insults are "Canker-blossom" and "Anointed sovereign of sights and groans."

  2. "Tread Lightly. You look like just enough EXP to level up."

  3. A picture of a d20 showing a natural one with the caption "Well, shit."

  4. "Underestimate me. That'll be fun."

These are my affectionate connotation mugs.

  1. The witches brew mug is special because it's less than 14 oz. I only allow the exception because I wanted a mug that looked like a cauldron, and I couldn’t find one in a proper size. This mug is my “I shouldn’t have another cup of coffee because it’s too late/I’ve had enough, but I’m going to have one more anyway.”

  2. Batman mug. My aunt got me this one. Batman is awesome, and it's a big mug, so it's a favorite.

  3. Jaws is a comfort movie for me and my fiancé. Also, this is the biggest mug I own. Sharks are awesome.

  4. I love snow. I'm often the only one in the room who feels a deep sense of joy and peace when the temperature drops below sixty and I can start crossing my fingers for ice and snow.

Talk to you again soon...