Subject: 🔮 Jennifer Blackstream Announcement 🔎

Coming September 2024...

BREED, Blood Trails #17

Pie chart showing Scath winning the “What side character should be the next one to get their own short story“ survey. Scath beat Peasblossom, Asher, Charlotte's Web, and Gundersson.

BREED, Blood Trails #17

Coming Sept 17th, 2024

It was supposed to be a simple theft. 

Scath's next weregild should have been easy. Infiltrate a Seelie noble house posing as an unscrupulous witch and her large feline servant looking to purchase a new animal companion--or perhaps a slave. Spend the day wandering the Seelie's stable full of rare and dangerous creatures and having lunch with happy slaves who demonstrate how effective the family's training program can be. Then when darkness falls, locate the artifact and make a quick get away.

In and out.

Easy peasy.

Only nothing's ever that simple.

When a murder is committed in a Seelie household, all eyes turn to the Unseelie guests. 

Now it's not just a matter of escaping with the artifact.

It's a matter of escaping...period.

Personal note:

The ending of this book really surprised me. Seriously, I wrote it, and even I didn't see it coming. To be honest, I have no idea yet how it's going to affect the next book.

But that's a problem for Tomorrow Jennifer.

She's going to kill me.

Are you caught up?

If you aren't all caught up, I highly recommend you tap into your inner book wyrm and get caught up before September!

Not sure if you're caught up? Check out the three books below. If you missed one, you can click on any of the three previous releases below to start reading now!

Anyone going to DRAGON CON?

Dragon Con logo

I will be attending Dragon Con 2024 (August 29 - Sept 2). If you're going to be here, check the app (when it's live!) and find me on a panel!

May Survey Results: How long does it take you to finish a book?

Pie chart showing 2 days winning the “How long does it take you to finish a book?“ survey

You guys are serious book wyrms. I am in grand company!

June Survey: Mug shots?

Glorious cover art of Shade standing with a glowing potion in one hand and a flashlight in the other, done by my son-to-be Dylan!

So as you know, my son-to-be Dylan created me some Shade art. I'm so proud of him that I put that art on a mug and added it to my store. I am currently drinking coffee out of said mug (which is dishwasher safe!).

What's the question, you might wonder?

Well, I've been working on my next series (I hope you all miss Andy...) and it got me thinking.

Would anyone have any interest in me commissioning more character art for mugs and such to add to my store? I was planning to stick with the comic-style my son started, but depending on how the interest goes, I could commission a different style. Thoughts?

Vote now and I'll share the results in next month's newsletter!

Next month...

In next month's newsletter, I hope to have a purchase link for a paperback of Skinned, a blurb for Breed, and news of how my first attempt to fire a gun went.

Should be fun...

Until then, happy reading!