I would have KILLED for a hole like this when I was their age! That sucker is chest-deep for a nine year old. Omg, the possibilities are endless. The hiding, the finding of rocks, the digging, the sifting dirt to make really smooth mud pies... Gah, I'm so jealous.
Then I got home and I thought to myself...Jennifer, you're 42. You could dig a hole in your backyard if you wanted to.
And for a second, I was really excited. I could already feel the shovel in my hand. I could hear myself explaining to my fiance why there was a hole in the yard that might at first glance be mistaken for a grave...
Then I remembered we have a very enthusiastic pit bull who would doubtlessly injure himself if he were to go frolicking in the yard, unaware that there was a new hole.
Not to mention there's a better than average chance I'd go out to find I'd inadvertently trapped a bear. Or a mountain lion.
Sigh. Someday. |