Subject: 🔮 Cover Reveal!

Click HERE to see the cover for Corruption, Blood Trails #4!

Why do I have to click to see the cover?

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Hence the click requirement to see the cover.

I want to get a cover reveal with the cover conveniently in the email. How do I do that?

Easy peasy. When you get an email from me, any email, click a link. It doesn't matter what link you click. That will make sure you aren't mis-assigned to people who aren't opening emails, and I'll know everything is getting through.

All right, so scroll up and click that link to see the cover, the title, and the release date for Blood Trails #4. I promise you, it's worth it...
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Enjoy the cover, and Happy Reading!


Skeleton Key Publishing, 590 W. Hwy 105, Suite #254, Monument, CO 80132, United States
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