Subject: 🔮 Brace yourself for a shock... 🕵️‍♀️

Did you miss Charlotte's Web?

Skinned, Blood Trails #16, is waiting.

Scath is in for the shock of her life...

Being at the mercy of someone you’ve wronged is never good.

When they’ve had a hundred years to plan their revenge, it’s worse.

Scath is serving her first weregild, and to fulfill her duty, she’ll have to enter the world of muleskinners—skinwalker-adjacent magic users who rely on enchanted animal skins to access their magic. Two of them have been killed and their enchanted skins stolen within the past week, and the primal sidhe lord Baine has set Scath the task of finding the killer—with a few special conditions.

Condition one: no contacting the authorities. No Vanguard, no queens, no cops…and no Detective Sergeant Liam Osbourne.

Condition two: Scath is to hand over the killer—and the missing skins—to him.

Shade’s not about to let Scath face the weregild alone. Together they proceed with the investigation, each of them bracing themselves for the worst.

And they’re both shocked when they find it.

A note from me:

Thank you so much for buying direct. The money that would have gone to one of the big retailers is instead going to new weights for my fourteen year old son. Or to a new bed for my nine year old daughter.

You are a gem, and I am grateful.