Subject: 🔮 Action required! Also, some exciting news... 🕵️‍♀️

I need your help!

All right, I'll try to make this quick. When you joined my mailing list, you received some welcome emails. You got your free short story, I told you a little about my books, reminded you to whitelist my email address so the spam goblins didn't eat your stuff, etc.

I'm revamping those welcome emails. I'm making them more personal and, I hope, more fun. In fact, starting next month, I'm going to try to make ALL my newsletters more fun.

I would love your feedback. The new welcome emails are a little more personal (I actually included pics of me, so that was a bit nerve-wracking) and they also mention a few new things I plan to do with this newsletter. If you have a moment and you are so inclined, you can go to this survey. Each question will include a link to a new welcome email (there are five of them). There are checkboxes for you to mark what you liked about each email as well as an open ended response where you can mention what you didn't like or if you have an idea to improve them. Here's the link to the survey (also hyperlinked earlier in this paragraph):

The "Action Required" that I mentioned in the subject line:

NOTE: If you're reading this text, then my newsletter provider has told me you haven't clicked a link in an email from me for over three years.

1.) This is my fault, I haven't been nearly as entertaining as I should be. If you're willing to give me another chance, click any link in this email so my newsletter provider knows you still want to hear from me.

2.) Read the new welcome emails in the survey. That's part of what you can expect from emails going forward. If that sounds good--excellent! If it doesn't, respond to this email and let me know what you'd like to see.

3.) If you read the welcome emails, and the personal stuff and the "Dear Abby" idea seem awful to you and you no longer want to receive my emails, you can unsubscribe HERE. If you decide to unsubscribe, you can always follow me on Amazon or Facebook instead and you'll get the new release announcements without any of the personal stuff or deleted scenes, etc. And you can keep all the free stuff I sent you when you signed up, no hard feelings :)

Spoilers ahead!

If you haven't finished Guilt, then DO NOT READ THE DELETED SCENE. Huge spoilers if you read the deleted scene first.

October Survey Results: What spinoff will I write first?

There were some interesting suggestions in the "other" option. One I might be able to do as a short story is a vignette about Scath before [redacted to avoid spoilers].

Season of the Witch Sale!

Need to fill your ereader for the witching hour? Grab a book from one of these eight USA Today bestselling authors for free or $.99 today or tomorrow!