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Friend, for you and your Guests ...
18 Minute Recap and FULL Q&A are here now, Friend! 

For those of you watching the communications from WealthBot, you may have noticed a shift from “How can we go viral?” to “How can we go viral with word of mouth?”

It was easy to deduce from the slide in the early presentations that suggested marketing through social media, coupled with the “How can we go viral?” question, that people should go all out and market to the cold market via the internet and social media.

However, the Agreement expressly states that would not be allowed.

This created a mixed message, and some took it to heart to market via YouTube and other avenues.

Realizing the mixed message, the question: “How can we go viral with word of mouth?” has been used since then.

Now it is time to require that social media and internet marketing campaigns that are not “blind” be halted and removed from the internet and social media.

What this means that it may be OK to created general interest, but not to use the name WealthBot or its specific strategy in the campaigns.

That means that these campaigns would be OK for lead generation, but would have to be a two-step process and collect the information of interested prospects, but not have a way for them to go to your referral site as part of the original campaign.

The second step would be to reach out to the leads and invite to a WealthBot event or site.

With this formal announcement that the marketing limitations in the agreement are to be enforced, we are allowing 2 weeks for everyone that has posted a WealthBot campaign to close and remove the campaign.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the mixed messages but we also wish to respect those that have been following the Agreement.

Individuals who fail to comply with this 2-week notice MIGHT receive a personal compliance request. If they continue to be out of compliance we will be forced to get their attention by suspending their account until corrected.

We are sensitive that not everyone effected by this notice may view this email. And we don’t wish to cause any unnecessary harm to someone in good faith looking to show the value of WealthBot.  So please help us and them!  If you are aware of any such compliance situations and the individual is on your team, please reach out to assist them to become compliant. If you are aware of a compliance situation and they are not on your team, please forward the information so we may contact them to assist.  To http://SUPPORT.WealthBot.ONLINE

Our sole purpose here is for the good and longevity of the Club.

Friend, thank you for your cooperation!
