Subject: WealthBot Leader Webinar 7 24 17

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{{WEBINAR `1077505` `name`}}
{{WEBINAR `1077505` `starts_at_date`}} , 9:{{WEBINAR `1077505` `starts_at_time`}}{{WEBINAR `1077505` `starts_at_meridiem`}} PT
Join us for The leadership webinar.
To Join the Webinar Go to: 
Be part the WealthBot Leadership Mastermind.
During the webinar, we will discuss the forward development of WealthBot.
To Listen to Previous Recordings of Leadership calls, Go to:
Leaders.WealthBot.ONLINE password: StayingTheSafeAlternative
     Join us on {{WEBINAR `1077505` `starts_at_date`}} , {{WEBINAR `1077505` `starts_at_time`}} AM PT

  Join the Webinar 