Subject: The Power of Podcasting: Celebrating International Podcasting Day !

Podcasting can help increase brand credibility and trust by allowing you to share your expertise, opinions, and insights with a wider audience.

Hi Friend,

On a crisp autumn morning in 2004, an unlikely duo set in motion a revolution that would change the way we consume media.

Adam Curry, a former MTV video jockey, and Dave Winer, a software developer, released the first episode of "Daily Source Code." Little did they know, they were lighting the spark of what would become a global phenomenon.

Fast forward to today, on International Podcasting Day, and we find ourselves immersed in a world where voices from every corner of the globe share stories, knowledge, and insights, all at the tap of a button.

There is something profoundly personal about a whispered story, a shared secret, or a heartfelt conversation delivered directly into our ears. It's a medium that invites us to listen, to engage, and to empathize.

From this vast universe of voices, there are a few that have resonated deeply with me, and today seems like the perfect occasion to shine a spotlight on them.

Whether you're a seasoned podcast enthusiast or just beginning your auditory journey, these podcasters are sure to captivate, educate, and inspire you.

Brendon Burchard. 3-time New York Times bestseller and the most respected name in personal development for over a decade is host to 'Growth Day Daily Fires' which delves into achieving your full potential. His episode about THE FRAME  is a must-listen!


Marie Forleo. If you're in the mood for actionable strategies to greater happiness, success, creativity, productivity, love, health, contribution, and fulfillment THE MARIE FORLEO PODCAST is your go-to. 29 Million+ downloads !


And last but certainly not least, my all-time favorite:

Connie Ragen Green's PRAESTABILIS : EXCELLENCE IN MARKETING which has been a constant companion on commutes, walks and quiet moments. In her latest episode "One size doesn't fit all when it comes to Online Marketing" Connie shares the different business models that are possible, including affiliate marketing, creating products and courses, authorship, marketing for local businesses, and so much more...


💭 I'm genuinely curious: What are your favorite podcasts? Which voices have become your trusted companions during long drives, workouts, or quiet moments?

Hit 'reply' to this email and share your top picks with me. I'd love to discover new gems through your recommendations and perhaps even feature some of your favorites in upcoming newsletters. 🙂

Let's celebrate International Podcasting Day by amplifying the shows that have touched our lives.


Before I sign off this special edition, I want to leave you with some handpicked resources that I believe will add value to your podcasting journey and beyond.

📚 Books

✍️ Blog Post

10 popular digital marketing podcasts of 2023": Dive into continued relevance in a constantly changing digital landscape. Savvy marketers, in fact, use podcasts to develop new strategies or adapt existing ones to meet their customers' shifting demands.



🙏 Thank you for being a part of my community. Your engagement, feedback, and support make all the difference.

Until next, happy listening, and don't forget to share your favorite podcasts with me!

My intention in connecting with you is to share great resources, trainings, the very best of my knowledge, experience, so that you may learn and implement proven strategies to make your business shine online.


Happy International Podcasting Day!

With much love and gratitude,


PS: I've been reflecting on the power of voice and the magic of storytelling. I'm thrilled to share that by the end of this year, I'll be launching my very own podcast! This has been a dream of mine for a while, and I'm finally taking the leap to turn it into a reality. Stay tuned!

Janice Dugas, Online Visibility Strategist

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