Subject: Stop the Scroll and Step Into the Spotlight with Short-Form Video!

Discover the Magic of Short-Form Videos for Social Media Growth

Hi Friend,

As an entrepreneur dedicated to enhancing online visibility, I'm constantly on the lookout for innovative tools and strategies to strengthen my brand and effectively utilize social media for community growth.

This week, during a Q&A session in our AI To Human Copywriting System membership, I was thrilled to discover a new resource.

Sharyn Sheldon, founder of Contents Sparks and fellow member, showcased an information page for her product titled ‘Getting Started with Short-Form Videos for Social Media’ – and it immediately caught my attention.

The power of short video clips to captivate social media audiences is undeniable. Despite 'video creation' being a longstanding item on my to-do list, it's been challenging to prioritize it. Why does it keep slipping down the list, I wonder?

Without a second thought, I seized the opportunity and purchased Sharyn’s Ready-To-Go course. The prospect of exploring this content format is exhilarating, not just for my own brand development but also for the potential to share these learnings with my clients. After all, as Joseph Joubert said, "Teaching is learning twice."

If you're keen on delving into the world of Short-Form Video, either for personal exploration or to educate your audience, I invite you to join me in this course.

Sharyn's offer is still available: get it now for only $97, a significant reduction from the usual price of $297. Plus, it comes with a 100% No Risk Guarantee. Don't miss this chance to elevate your social media presence!


I've carefully curated a list of tools, programs, workshops that I believe will be instrumental in helping you achieve both your personal and professional aspirations.

To maintain complete transparency, some of the links provided are affiliate links.


[Live Training] with Dr. Noah St. John, known worldwide as "The Mental Health Coach to The Stars."

Not seeing the financial rewards you want? Come discover the path to becoming a Seven-Figure Expert; An EXCLUSIVE Virtual Zoom Event you can't afford to miss on Saturday, November 18, 2023 from 12 to 5 pm Eastern time (9 am – 2 pm Pacific).

Caution: if you're seeking an event filled with excessive excitement, elaborate performances, and over-the-top motivational speeches, this may not be the right fit for you.


[Complimentary Access] The next Advanced Email Marketing Summit will take place on Monday November 20th at 3 PM Eastern. Get your free ticket to learn from the impressive achievements of:

🎤 Kim Albee: 'Harness AI to Generate Winning Email Campaigns'

🎤 Danielle Weill: 'Launch Sequences That Sell'


[Zero Cost PLR] - Commit To A Week Of Random Acts Of Kindness

These articles and emails will help yourself and your audience tap into the power of random acts of kindness. Use them on your blog, in your newsletters, or create a new lead magnet with them to grow your list. Put your name on it and use it in your overall content marketing strategy.


[Hot Off the Press]  Who else wants to get a free copy of Think and Grow Rich AND two UNPUBLISHED books from Napoleon Hill ? + 30 days FREE trial to the "Secrets Of Success" membership site!


Wishing you a great week filled with love and gratitude.



P.S. My latest article just published on "Optimizing Multimedia Content for Better Search Engine Rankings". It's all about best SEO practices to optimize video and image content for search engines. Apply these tips to increase your online visibility!


Janice Dugas, Online Visibility Strategist

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