Subject: A Labor Day Story + Limited-Time Offers!

Your Labor Day Reading and Shopping Guide Awaits...

Hi Friend,

As I sat down to write this newsletter, the aroma of barbecued ribs and freshly cut grass filled the air. The echoes of laughter and the splash of backyard pools reached my ears. It's Labor Day, and today, America and Canada stand united not just by borders, but also by the spirit of hard work, ingenuity, and the resilience that shapes both nations. 

You might wonder, "What's the big deal about Labor Day? It's just a day off work, right?" Well, let me share a little story. 

Once Upon a Time in the 19th Century... 

In the late 1800s, working conditions were far from ideal. Men, women, and even children labored in factories for up to 18 hours a day, six days a week, often without breaks. Safety measures? Barely existent. Wages? Minuscule.

It was a boiling pot of discontent, and it couldn't go on like this. Something had to give. And it did. 

On September 5, 1882, a pivotal event took place. 10,000 workers from various trades and factories marched from City Hall to Union Square in New York City, essentially sacrificing a day's wage to make a point. They held banners, they sang songs, they stood united—demanding fair hours, fair wages, and fair conditions.

The event wasn't just a march; it was a celebration of what could be achieved when people came together for the common good. Picnics, concerts, and speeches followed. It was a glimmer of hope, a flicker of a better future.

This brave act set a precedent, and over the years, the movement spread across states and borders, finally becoming a federal holiday in the United States in 1894. Canada, too, has its own history and traditions of honoring laborers, officially celebrating Labour Day on the same day as its southern neighbor.

Why We Celebrate Today

Fast forward to today, and Labor Day is often seen as the unofficial end of summer—a last hurrah before the seriousness of autumn sets in. But amidst the barbecues, the parades, and the end-of-season sales, it's important to remember why this day exists.

It's a tribute to the backbone of our society: the hardworking individuals who build, create, serve, think, and provide for all of us. From the healthcare heroes to the diligent farmers, from the enthusiastic teachers to the fearless firefighters—today, we honor you.

So, as you enjoy this well-deserved day off, take a moment to acknowledge not just the fruits of your labor, but the collective hard work that makes our lifestyle possible.

That's the essence of Labor Day, dear [Friend].


Here are the latest updates and offers that I've put together for you:

[ZERO COST] Most recently, during my presentation for Justin Popovic and his group, I was sharing some ‘Repurposing Content’ strategies that work well for me and my clients. If you need access to the replay, along with the PDF Guide I created to accompany what I shared, please email me at

But first, please download this free content from Justin so you'll be on his list and be invited to my next presentation !   With no obligation whatsoever, grab this complete bundle of private label rights (PLR) content in the areas of personal growth and success:


[LIFE LESSONS] Talking about Justin; I invite you to check out his Labour Day Sale special that ends tonight at midnight, titled “Why Didn’t Anyone Tell Me” ; The program focuses on teaching people how to create a better future for themselves now rather than relying on chance. Learn 10 Powerful Life Lessons Now, Not In 10 Years’ Time…Teach yourself and your audience how to create a better Life now with these powerful life lessons that can apply to anyone, anywhere, anytime!

Whether they are in the earlier stages of life, just beginning their journey, or if they are a seasoned veteran of life with many battle scars… this guide will help them live a better life! How much better to pick those skills up now rather than possibly learning them the hard way in 10 or 20 years…


[FREE DOWNLOAD] Connie Ragen Green's well-known book, "Kids and Money: Teaching Financial Responsibility and Values to Children," is available for free download globally until Tuesday. This book might serve as a multi-generational reading project that leaves a lasting impact on your family.


[WORKSHOPS] Live Guided Vision Board Workshop on Zoom with my friend and colleague Janet Gervers is coming up soon: October 18th, 2023. "Starting to dream and being able to see things in a visual and powerful way" is how Janet describes the experience of creating vision boards. Reserve your spot - Enter Affiliate Code: janice  

[INTERVIEW] with Vision Board Workshop Leader Janet Gervers : How Vision Boards can Reduce Stress, and Find Focus & Clarity.


My intention in connecting with you is to share great resources, trainings, the very best of my knowledge, experience, so that you may learn and implement proven strategies to make your business shine online.


I'm at and I always love hearing your questions and comments!

With much love and gratitude,


Janice Dugas, Online Visibility Strategist

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