Subject: Vaccine info and updates as we enter a new year

Read for vaccine updates, office info, and holiday wishes

Updates from Dr. Biemer

Happy New Year to you and yours! 

December 30th, 2020                    

Dear patients and friends,

A shorter note this week, but worth a quick update all the same. In the United States, both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are currently being distributed. A third vaccine from AstraZeneca has just been approved in the U.K. and is undergoing safety trials in the United States. With each new approval we can hope to see greater availability and distribution.

Locally, health care workers are well into the vaccination process. As of this morning, over 25,000 people have received a vaccine. I, Dr. Biemer, was able to get part one of the vaccine this week along with other Providence health care providers.

We do understand that the big question for most is when the vaccine will be available to you. We are also anxiously awaiting news on this and researching daily. At this point Oregon Health Authority has not made any announcements regarding an expected timeline. Washington County makes it clear that there is not currently a sign up or wait list available, but that it will be widely published and advertised when more is known.

A few resources that we expect to be updated frequently...

Oregon Health Authority vaccine FAQ

Washington County Vaccine Information

We are well on our way but even with an end in sight, this process may feel painfully slow. It will take time to produce and distribute enough vaccine to see an appreciable difference in day to day life. Our note to you is hang in there. It's coming. Be patient, stay safe, and stay tuned. We will do our absolute best to keep up with the news and to keep you informed.

Happy New Year to you all!


Dr. Biemer, Julia Jones and the whole office crew

COVID-19 Vaccine Information 

(source Oregon Health Authority)


The vaccine is to be distributed initially to the following groups...

1A. Health care workers with direct exposure to COVID-19 in their work as well as long term care facility employees and residents*

1B. Essential workers as defined by OHA and CDC*

1C. People with underlying health conditions and those over 65 years of age*

*These are groups as outlined by the OHA. Additional discussion of how these decisions have been reached and the ethical principals involved are available through the CDC.



The vaccine is currently being administered to group 1A. The OHA expects that groups B and C will be vaccinated by Spring, subject to vaccine availability.

Our Practice

It is not obvious yet when or if the vaccine will be available to our clinic for distribution. In addition to careful state level oversight of distribution, there are currently storage specifications that would prove challenging to small clinics (the Pfizer vaccine, for example, is stored at -70 degrees Celsius). For the time being, vaccinations will be distributed through hospitals and local public health agencies. We will let you know as soon as we know more about this.

Holiday hours

Open December 31st, New Year's Eve until noon, closed on New Year's day

A few recommendations...

  • DO consider scheduling regular follow ups and annual exams virtually. Preventive care goes a long way toward keeping you healthy and we will do our best to make the virtual experience smooth and comfortable.

  • DO carry on following precautions, wearing a face mask, hand washing, and maintaining physical distance, especially during the holidays. These are proven methods of reducing risk to you and your loved ones.

  • DO NOT assume that negative covid testing is a replacement for safe habits during the holidays. There are still some false negatives, and covid has a long incubation period during which an infected person might test negative.


Stay safe

Stay healthy

Some useful links...

Here is a list of Covid testing sites compiled by Washington County. Although the list was compiled in Washington county, many of the listed resources are available to the greater Portland area. Here is the Oregon Health Authority Testing Map.

Never hesitate to contact us

James J. Biemer Jr. MD

9135 SW Barnes Rd. Suite 863

Portland, OR 97225

(p) 503-384-0316

(f) 503-416-8145