Dear patients and friends,
I hope you've managed to squeeze a few good memories out of this disappointing summer. Brief story about mine - a month ago my 2 daughters from NY, 3 year old grandson and several significant others came west for their summer trip. All except the little boy were fully vaccinated. Great visit, spent time in Portland and out at the coast. On their last day, about to fly east, my grandson developed a temp of 102, holding up their departure. He was diagnosed with Covid the next day, then after that my pregnant daughter and her husband, and then another daughter. All recovered well, and after 10 day quarantine and 3 negative tests my wife and I were never infected.
The moral of the story is vaccines do work! 3 of 8 adults who were exposed to the unvaccinated child had mild infections and recovered well. Hospitals here in Oregon and across the country are FULL of Covid patients as you know, including the ICU's, and the large majority (90-95%) of those in ICU's and dying in the hospital are unvaccinated. This is NOT NECESSARY! The vaccines are as safe and even more studied than almost any vaccine in history- please get vaccinated if you have not.
Because unvaccinated folks continue to be at higher risk to themselves, their families, and caregivers we will be screening ALL patients on the phone for vaccine status before scheduling. We will encourage virtual visits for anyone who has yet to be vaccinated, but will make case by case exceptions. Julia Jones has small children at home who are, of course, not yet eligible for vaccine, so Dr Biemer will mostly be seeing unvaccinated patients by exception when needed. We hope you understand.
A few other notes. Regarding BOOSTERS (third shot), the early emphasis has been on immune compromised patients. Although many of you are at HIGH RISK for disease due to age and/or underlying medical issues including diabetes or lung disease, these are not indications at this time for a third vaccine. As you've no doubt seen, this is evolving with not all federal agencies on board with regard to a booster. See this link for a good FAQ sheet from Oregon Health Authority on third vaccines.
Please, as you had to be in the early days of vaccination, be patient as we expect this to all be resolved in the coming 1-2 months.
Read on for more information on monoclonal antibody treatment, current testing resources, and more useful links.
Thanks, keep well, and we will have more communication in the coming weeks. Lots going on!
Dr. Biemer