During the course of our journey, we all often come to a point where we have to make an important choice. This time, the choice is between standing up for ourselves, or, abetting the status quo by keeping quiet/not participating. Yes, this is the clear choice in front of you.
The threat of unresolved long backlogs is real. The danger of the House of Representatives not adequately fixing green card backlogs is grave. As much as we value our jobs, careers and the future of our families, we all know too well that long backlogs are the most significant threat to every opportunity that will come our way.
With such a clear choice, the question is - where do you stand? Please ask this question and listen to your heart. You can make a difference. We are all potentially capable of making that difference, but only if we make the right choice.
We ask you to come to Washington, DC to speak with lawmakers and tell them in over 350 meetings that we need more green cards. And although we would very much prefer for you to be to be there, however, if for some reason you are unable to make it, you can still express yourself with your contribution. Your contributions are a form of speech which will help us to assist other willing members to come to Washington, DC for participating in the most consequential advocacy event.
In case you are unable to make it, here is how you can stand-up for yourself: - Contribute to sponsor and assist another willing IV member to represent us at the meeting with Member of Congress
We look forward to seeing you on September 7 - 10.