We need you to call Senator Durbin’s office at 202-224-2152 and deliver the following message:
Hi, My name is __ and I am calling to support Fairness bill S.386
In 20 seconds - tell your story and hardship about how backlog is affecting your kids, job mobility and living up to potential.]
On December 18, 2019,
Senator Durbin announced on the Senate floor about reaching a bipartisan agreement with Senator Lee, and, he said that he “we want to make sure that it is acceptable to our colleagues to move forward”.
A few Senators want to make minor technical change to the Lee-Durbin compromise.
Only Senator Durbin is unwilling to continue to discuss and he walked away from the negotiations.
Why would Senator Durbin not keep his word and negotiate in good faith to address the concerns of other Senators.
We are afraid that he is trying to find excuses to kill this bill because we think he is negatively biased towards Indian immigrants.
[if the office challenges bias then: give the reasons why you believe so]
- He co-sponsored the exact same bill when the Irish immigration was added in 2011
- His Dream Act explicitly excludes children of Indian immigrants who will age out
Conclude: We ask Senator Durbin to stop attacking Indian immigrants. We ask Senator Durbin to negotiate in good faith, that is not asking for too much.