I don't want to be a spammer and I don't want to ever send you an email you don't want to get.
So if I ever send you an email that you no longer want just unsubscribe at the bottom of this email.
So... if you wanna make money now here's what I suggest...
Sit down and grab one of your ebooks that you have sitting on your hard drive
Edit that ebook with your brand/name using this easy method shown in my video.
Then go onto Clickbank.com and find products for sale that are similar to the subject matter.
Become an affiliate for those products. Grab your affiliate link Put those links in your ebook Then put your ebook out there for FREE or for a very low price.
Next give everyone else the rights to sell or giveaway your ebook.
*Note: Use a pdf application and lock your ebook so the contents can't be altered. Open Office is FREE.