Subject: lololol. Nobody believes I get paid for THIS

Hey {!firstname_fix},

It’s really funny when people ask me what I do.

Usually, I tell them something like this: “I send out short simple little emails a couple of times a day and when people click the links in those emails I get paid.”

Usually, people are shocked.

Them: “You get paid to send emails?!?!”

Me again: “That’s right.”

Them: “Does it take long?”

Me once more: “Maybe 15 to 30 minutes a day.” A total of 2 hours per day exactly (thats including everything).

Them: “And you make how much?”

Me yet again: “Well, I don’t like to talk about specific numbers, but it’s in the high paid lawyer or doctor range.”

And that’s when it clicks for them that maybe they should be doing what I am doing.

I mean…

Getting paid a full-time income at home just for sending out super quick emails a couple of times a day?

That’s the dream, right?

Good. So, here’s how you can do it too:

Getting started is super simple. CLICK HERE to reserve your spot then follow the step-by-step instructions.

It’s ALL laid out for you and it’s paint-by-numbers easy to do!


Jone Wesele

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