Subject: What You Measure You Inspect

Greetings IMers

A long, long time ago I was taught in management accounting an old adage

"What You Measure You Inspect."

In Internet Marketing, this is especially true in managing traffic. One has to know where traffic comes from. Then you can make changes to do more of what is working and less of what is not. My investing coach tells me this all the time.

It is too easy to start of with traffic strategies or tools or stuff and just do it. That is all well and good if it works. If it does not, it is time to start measuring and tracking - and then make the changes.

In this week's blog post I started doing just that - on a rainy few days in Canberra which I was visiting to celebrate the success of my daughter's graduation. Of course if I had done it a few days earlier I would have found the technical glitch I had unknowingly introduced to my systems. Dufus!! Indeed!!

Being honest with oneself helps a lot too.

Read it all here

Here is to your success in measuring and tracking

Take good care
