Subject: What Number Gets You A Dream Lifestyle?

Hi, it's Mark Carrington with another blog post newsletter

Most people do better if they have goals. The bigger your goals, often the
better you do. Doing the work toward a big goal gets big results.

That is the theory. All the marketers tell you about their dream lifestyle
they created. It works. It works because most people don't do it -
including me and maybe you too. Mostly people just move along day by day
and week by week and month by month and then they die broke and/or hungry.

I know I did not do it when I started out after leaving school. I started
at university. I started a career. I had a broad idea but nothing really
specific. I moved country (twice) - no real plan. I got lucky.

The week 2 journey was all about working out YOUR NUMBER. What is the
amount of money you need to earn to construct your dream lifestyle? That
seems like an easy task - all my classmates struggled. I struggled.

My struggle had nothing to do with the dream lifestyle thing. It had a lot
more to do with what could go wrong to wreck my dream lifestyle. And how I
could use Internet Marketing to build a plan B

We then had to write up a post talking about that dream and the number - be
specific Dean says. Pounds, shillings and pence specific. Here is my post -
it is a little different

If you have not done this, now is the time to write it down. It really
forces you to think hard about what changes you have to make.

To your dream lifestyle - it is in your hands


ps The week one post was about the blogging beginnings