Subject: These 6 skills will pay the bills

Continuing the series on the best Digital Marketer blog posts for 2018.

Number 5 looks a little more inwards to Digital Marketers themselves.

What are the key skills you should write on your resumé?

The job market is in a whirlwind of change. As a digital marketer you may be safe for now as the demand for digital skills is massive. The challenging part is the field is growing so dramatically and evolving at a rapid pace. The blog post highlights six key skills one should be building (and including on your resumé)

- Content marketing
- Social media marketing
- Video marketing
- Media buying/traffic acquisition
- Testing & optimization
- Email marketing

Read the blog here

As I look at the list, I see the challenges I face in building my own Internet business

Content is the wellspring for anything to do with marketing. We are continually looking for ways to convert cold prospects to warm to hot. Level one is finding the ideas and level two is representing them best - words, images, videos, podcasts can all from from one idea. And it does not only have to be ideas - it can be stories - we all have stories to tell.

Social media has revolutionised our world. In the old days (not that long ago) communication was dominated by broadcast methods = one way. Social media has made that whole process much more two way - think about a sales call without a sales person and without meeting face to face. The key skills are the same - find the prospect, find out their problems, offer a solution, describe how they will feel before and after, make the sale.

Video has been made possible by cheap data. Most people learn faster and absorb more from video (I am an exception - I find it too slow). The range of possibilities are now enormous with ability to share platforms and video anybody, anywhere.

Online advertising is booming - $100 billion on Google and $40 billion on Facebook ads. Knowing how to buy (and sell) is a core skill - and a fast way to lose a lot poorly done. And that is before we dig into the detail technologies available to really get bang for the buck - like retargeting.

Testing is the core of successful marketing. Test and learn. The advertising platforms make this a whole lot easier - one can test for as little as $5. And the tools are there to bring it all together into every aspect of an online presence.

Email remains a cornerstone of online marketing - no surprise that the number one post for 2018 was all about subject lines.

One way to build an amazing 2019 would be to take these 6 skill sets and spend a month developing one and moving onto the next - do two cycles each year. I know a lot of what I am doing is exactly that - maybe not in as structured a way - but a structure would help.

Wow, what a challenge - follow the challenge here

Take care
