Subject: Stepping Up: New Challenges

The Quick Start Challenge was like a kick in the butt. I was doing a lot of
things in Internet Marketing but had no real direction. I had a strategic
framework but those are useless without direction. Here is a quick
reminder of the key elements in the strategic framework I made

- Bring your unique combination of skills, knowledge and passion to bear
into a strategic focus
- Choose a clear product focus within the strategic focus and decide what
you are going to promote and/or sell
- Build an Internet Marketing engine that identifies prospects, turns them
into your raving fans and sell to them
- Keep the engine running and adjusted as conditions change.

I decided to join my friend and mentor, Dean Holland's program as an
Internet Profits Certified Partner.

What it offered me was a business activity to focus on and a way to
leverage his stuff. I just have to deliver traffic to an existing funnel of
products and training and techniques.

I wrote all my feelings into a Life After post - read it here

You will hear the words - FOCUS and LEVERAGE - a lot. Try them.

Anytime I am down I roll them out.

Take care


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pps I will always answer any questions you may have - just hit reply to
this email and ask away