Subject: Spllling The Beans - No Selling Needed

Hi, Mark here with breaking news

Once a week my mentor. Dean Holland spills the beans in a webinar on the things the industry does not want you to know. Well Dean did not hold the webinar last week. He was busy working on a whole new way of thinking. Next week he will run a whole new webinar.

Well it's a lot more than a webinar. It's more like free training where he walks through what works in his 7 figure business and how he will open the doors to let you in.

This will blow your socks off. It builds on what he has done before - JUST WAY BETTER

I will let you into the secrets he unfolds

1. Stop trying to sell
2. No need to work 8 to 12 hours a day
3. Traffic might not be the biggest problem

Look out for the email tomorrow with the registration link

Take good care


ps Keep Tuesday February 26 free and open (6 pm EST, 11 pm UK Time; 10 am AEST - Feb 27 for Australia)