Subject: KLT? Better Than BLT

Next in the catch up messages with my blog progress.

Week 3 of Quick Start Challenge focused on list mailing.

The discussion was all about KLT - no, not a new type of sandwich!

Know - Like - Trust.

People buy from people they Know, Like and Trust. Just like I did when I
bought the Quick Start Challenge from my friend, Paul's email link.

We had to write a 7 day sequence for homework as a starting point for a
sequence that goes out every day. I was ahead on the homework because I
was leveraging work I had already done. So I did some more. I made a new
lead magnet.

In my blog post, you will find out how I raised $17,758 for charity in 8
email campaigns. I made my own lead magnet covering that too and launched
it - last time I looked it had received over 2000 hits.

Here is the blog post

Now if you would like to receive access to the charity lead magnet, just
hit reply and I will give you the link - rather than have you sign in to
another list. Of course, the link is in the blog post too

Take good care.


ps Did I mention that I will donate 10% of all revenues to my favourite
charities? 10% of revenues - not profits.