Subject: Inspect What You Measure

Greetings all

There is an old business adage that you only inspect what you measure.

This is seriously true in Internet Marketing traffic.

- Measure traffic for each of the sources of traffic
- Measure conversions for each stage of the process

I started doing this with a little more attention to the detail. I have
been wrestling with a process for journalling what I have done in a week.
Easiest was to record my tracking process by video.

I wrote it up here and the video link is there too

- Did I make any sales?
- How many clicks did I get across the various tracking links?
- How many clicks resulted in opt-ins?
- What overall traffic flows was I getting across each of my platforms?

Measure. Analyse. Make changes. Retest

Measure well and take good care

Mark Carrington

ps. Join me on Facebook and pop me a DM so I
know where the friend request comes from