Subject: Breaking News: Cat Has A Name - DBF

Hi, Mark Carrington here

A man has to live up to his promises. Somebody did not - he let the secret out about the cat. The cat has a name - DBF - Dreamy Brown Feline. DBF - some name for a cat!!

Seriously. I would hate you to miss the free training where Dean Holland and Louis Doughty reveal exactly how you can easily give away something for free and get paid big…

And they let you know the name of the cat - Dreamy Brown Feline

Russell Brunson built a 380,000,000 software company doing it, Frank Kern built a 500,000 per month income doing it and Tony Robbins is worth 480,000,000 and guess what, yes, he’s doing it too…

Look the game has changed and if you’re not in the know then you’re out of the know and do you really want to be out of the know?

Fact is the reason these leaders are doing this is because it works and I’m following suit and you should to, the training is at no cost so I would save your seat fast before it fills up and you miss out forever…

Save your seat here for this brand-new training on Tuesday 26th!

Kindest regards


ps Register now - timings are Tuesday February 26 (6 pm EST - US that is, 11 pm UK Time; 10 am AEST - Feb 27 for Australia)
pps I have not forgotten the product launch I told you about - or did I?. it launched February 26 too but it runs 3 days. More tomorrow.