Subject: Blog: From Coping to Taking Action

Hi, Mark here.

I am increasingly surprised about how pervasive things like depression and anxiety are becoming. Maybe it is the stressful society we are creating that is driving it? Maybe it has always been around but only in recent times has got a mental health label!!

Whatever it is, I know the black dog of depression quite well. He growls from the corner whenever things do not go right or well or at all. Over the years, I have learned a few mechanisms to deal with it - not coping mechanisms but action mechanisms. I am sure if I had started journaling all those years ago, I could have cracked some solutions sooner.

In today's blog post I write about my journey with journaling for mental health and how I used what I have leaned to drive some action in the week.

Part of that came from work I had done before on organising my activities onto Trello Boards. I went a bit further this week on that - made a video about a way of thinking about organising for action => and then driving to to-do lists. The video is in the blog post but you could jump straight to Youtube to see it there

Take good care - write it down and move beyond coping to taking action.
