Subject: Friend, your InVision Newsletter from Elena

Invision Coaching Newsletter

  InVisioned Life!

 Inspiration for successful living

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending."

~~ Maria Robinson

Thought of the day 

Regardless of religious beliefs, for many of us Easter is a symbol of ‘new beginnings’.

Flowers are beginning to push through the earth and buds on trees are approaching the bursting point; the expectation of NEW is all around us.

I hope you will take this time to focus on how this reawakening can apply to your own life. 

What NEW ideas, perspectives or actions can you put into place that will affect your life’s renewal? Perhaps it’s a new found gratefulness for the abundance that is present all around you or a commitment to look for the ‘lesson’ in all situations. Maybe it’s the vision of a grander dream or direction to set your sights on. 

Whatever may stir rejuvenation for you, I hope it takes hold and bears abundant fruit.

Sending best wishes and blessings for a peaceful Easter and a revitalizing Spring!


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~~ Renewal ~~

"Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush."


"When Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil."

~~ Bishop Reginald Heb

Is it time for you to start ANEW?

A Coaching system uses unique techniques for crafting a compelling life VISION and engages success strategies to bring it to life.
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