Subject: Friend, is lack of focus sabotaging your productivity?


Hi Friend,

Ever had one of those days where you put in your hours of work yet, at quitting time, you're just not sure where all the time went because there's really not much progress to show for it? I know I have.

Well I learned a little about that so I thought I'd write a blog post about it. Here I give you 5 easy tips on how to get more focused and get more done with the time you have.

And, like anything else you read, if you gleam just one little idea from it, it will have been worth your 10 minute read. Let me know your thoughts!

To your productivity!!

Personal Effectiveness Coach
"It's not always that we need to do more but rather that we need to focus on less."

~~ Nathan W. Morris

Lack of focus sabotaging your productivity?

Have you ever felt that there’s just not enough time in the day? Most often, when we run out of time for projects or pursuits, it’s not that the time was not available but rather the reason is that we’ve spent a lot of that time lost in ambiguity.

When you’re supremely clear about where you’re going and what you want to do, there’s no time lost. Decisions are easy to make, actions are easy to take, and you can get a lot accomplished in a short period of time.

Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to eliminate the time-management nightmare.

Here are 5 simple steps to help you do so:

<Read More>

What people are saying

"Timing is everything! Working with Elena as my life coach set my compass to a true north! Although I had a successful career, I wanted something different for the “rest of my life.” Together Elena and I found my true calling. With Elena’s support, I searched and explored areas of my life I didn’t even know existed! My journey has taken me from “Doing 24-7″ to “Being and loving life 24-7.” I am now a world apart from the old Raelynn and love my new life! My professional focus has changed to areas I am comfortable with and absolutely love! Thanks for my new direction!"

—Raelynn Roman, Educational Consultant, speaker and workshop facilitator


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