Subject: Friend and the oyster

Friend, do you know what you have in common with an Oyster?

I'll tell you but first I have to digress a minute (sorry 😏).

When negative things happen in our lives, the tendency is to want to push it away by any means possible (after all, who wants pain, or stress, or sorrow, or conflict, or whatever...right?)

But what if the difficulty is the EXACT thing that was required to propel you towards a greater version of yourself? I mean, few of us will do 'the work' until crises shows up. We're motivated far more by the need to avoid/heal pain than the desire to gain pleasure.

And this is where the oyster comes in. Natural pearls form when an irritant works its way into the oyster (or mussel or clam). The oyster will begin to secrete a fluid (called 'nacre') and begin to coat the irritant in layer upon layer forming a lustrous pearl.

Life's difficulties and challenges can very much be to you, what the irritants is to the oyster. They CAN be the catalyst to your transformation into your next best version of yourself, as it was with me.

My life was filled with difficulties and my many years of all sorts of inner work, well, they were all the 'nacre' of my life, that led me to a far greater version of myself.

I went from being afraid to the point of social anxiety, rageful to the point of stabbing my brother (OK, I didn't hurt him a lot), depressed to the point of contemplating suicide to a beautifully grounded, strong, kind and loving version of myself.

God does not make mistakes. 

Everything serves you. 

What you decide to do with what shows up determines if you will spin indefinitely in a web of challenges & drama or if you will use it to do the work to become that precious pearl that is YOU!

Ultimately, you decide!!!

Here to serve in love 💖

Transformational Coach
InVision Coaching by Elena Zanfei

Live your BEST life possible!!!

PS - If you're ready to become the pearl that you are, I'd love to be your guide. I know how to do it pretty well♄. Let's hop on the phone and have a chat - I've opened up a few spots for the next few weeks - go HERE to grab one of them ☎

A heart-centered Transformational Coach for Spiritual Women who, at times, feel like throwing in the towel on their dreams, in spite of their success and qualifications.

35 years of education in human potential, personal trials and ultimate triumph over traumas & tragedies, enable Elena to teach how to develop confidence that can be sustained over the toughest challenges. Her experiences, training and commitment, have made her strong and resilient allowing her to help other women do the same.

Uncovering their authentic self, clients discover a hidden level of strength. These discoveries allow them to shift how they approach life to create massive personal and professional success. They step into experiencing AWESOMENESS!

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