Subject: ✍️Inspiration: I am relinquishing control...
✍️Inspiration: I am relinquishing control...
May 29th, 2022 at 6:00 am CSTHappy Sunday Friend!!! I hope this email finds you doing well. Have you ever felt the stress of trying to control things that you absolutely cannot control?We all have from time to time. Surrendering to the tr ...
✿ Healing self-sabotage...
May 25th, 2022 at 12:25 pm CSTView this email online if it doesn't display correctly Hi Friend, Do you ever let yourself down? I used to ALL the time. Despite my best intentions, I would quit every time. C ...
✍️Inspiration: I'm investing in the right tools for my success!
May 22nd, 2022 at 6:00 am CSTHi Friend! Happy Sunday!! Here again to bring some focus for reflection 🤔on this day of rest and contemplation. Today's simple read and easy questions to 🖋ponder, have to do with the rest of your life. S ...