Subject: How do I describe this?
How do I describe this?
March 31st, 2022 at 12:03 pm CDTView onlineWhen people ask me what I do for a living Friend, I still stumble on my words - 21 years into doing it. You see just saying I'm a coach doesn't cut it. My partnership with my clients is not contractual, it is one of the heart and that is ...
Imperfect Foods & Ukraine
March 30th, 2022 at 12:01 pm CDTView onlineI got my weekly Imperfect Foods delivery the other dayFriend. I opened the box and started digging out all those beautiful organic fruits veggies but then... I started to cry. I've long learned to appreciate the small things in life. Ope ...
I think this may be you??
March 28th, 2022 at 12:38 pm CDTView onlineHi Friend! Have you noticed how some seemingly talented and powerful women don't have a life that reflects their full potential and they're frustrated because they know they're capable of more? I'm a women's empowerment coach that helps ...
✍️Inspiration: allowing only positive things in...
March 27th, 2022 at 6:00 am CDTHi Friend! I've been swamped lately and I miss sending you some positive thoughts to ponder on Sundays. Especially now, with some much going on, I wanted to help direct your thoughts and your mind in a more pos ...
Why sometimes THIS doesn't work...
March 17th, 2022 at 2:37 pm CDTView onlineHi Friend! I hope this correspondence finds you well, and that you are happily anticipating Spring like I am 😍 I'm popping in to address something I've noticed, and that is how frustrating this whole 'Mindset' conversation can be. For ...