Subject: What you need to know about me & what's coming

What you need to know about me & what's coming

November 21st, 2019 at 12:00 pm CDT

Friend, I was having coffee with a friend today and we got to talking, and it dawned on me that I may have never shared with you, what we discussed. So I made this short video because I thought you should know some things about me and about somethin ...

✿ Friend, do you keep your computer running all the time?

November 20th, 2019 at 12:00 pm CDT

Hey Friend, I'm wondering if you do this like I do... do you find yourself with 5, 10 or more windows open on your computer? And have you noticed that when you do that often, after a while your computer starts to slow down? We're kind of like that c ...

✍️Inspiration: I trust my ability to make the right decision

November 17th, 2019 at 8:00 am CDT

Happy Sunday Friend!!! Click HERE for the 2nd in the Series of Reflection Sundays. Today's reflection is titled I trust my ability to make the right decisions. I hope you enjoy your few minutes of reflection. Please do let me know how you like it. ...

✿ What I know FOR SURE Friend

November 14th, 2019 at 7:00 am CDT

Hi Friend, A while back I read Oprah’s little book ‘What I know for sure’; an exquisite compilation of her life’s discoveries. As I read it, it struck me that I could have written this book. Seriously! The words she was using, the experiences ...

✍️Inspiration: I take charge of my life each day

November 10th, 2019 at 12:25 pm CDT

Happy Sunday Friend!!! I want you to know how much I appreciate you ♥!! I love being able to write you and send you thoughts and ideas that will move you forward in life because I truly want for you.... what YOU want for you!! Because I'm always t ...

Everybody benefits when you...

November 8th, 2019 at 11:17 am CDT

Friend, I know you know that LOVE is a good thing but hear me out a sec., I want to offer up some other reasons that you may have NEVER thought about with regards to LOVE. Think about this word 'LOVE'; it's such a fascinating word because it's comple ...

All the reasons why you should love more

November 7th, 2019 at 7:38 am CDT

Actually, Friend, Love has everything to do with it. Think about this word 'LOVE'; it's such a fascinating word because it's complex in nature. When you express or feel love, you are by virtue tapping into so many other emotions such as 'gratitude', ...

Would you help me (I'd love a reply)

November 2nd, 2019 at 1:59 pm CDT

Thanks so much for opening this email. I’ve got a quick question for you… What is your biggest struggle keeping a strong Mindset in your life and business? Would you just hit REPLY and share that with me? I want to help you and this is the best w ...

👭 The Power of Community

November 2nd, 2019 at 6:00 am CDT

Hi Friend, The most amazing experiences I've had in my life are when I've been a part of groups or communities. Either business groups or personal development groups, they all leave me with such a feeling of being loved, contributed to and filled up ...

I've got a quick question for you Friend (would you reply?)

October 31st, 2019 at 1:50 pm CDT

Hey Friend Thanks for opening this email. I’ve got a quick question for you… When it comes to having a strong mindset, what is your biggest struggle? Would you just hit REPLY and share that with me? Elena P.S. Just hit reply and let me know what ...