Subject: You get to choose the meaning...

My friend and I were sitting outside the Caffee sipping on our favorite hot beverage; happy to be catching what was probably the last opportunity to sit outside before the harsh winter weather kicked in.

"I'm really worried about Lidia" my friend confessed. I could tell she was not her usual self and that something was worrying her. "What do you mean" I asked, wanting to understand what she was feeling.

"I've called her several times and she is not returning my call. As a matter of fact she has been different for quite some time and I'm wondering if she just doesn't want me in her life anymore" confessed my friend. 

How many times do you do that? Choose the meaning of a situation without having all the details from which to do so? And, more times than not, the meaning was a fear based one that left you feeling down and discouraged.

Things mean what YOU make them mean. Sometimes you don't have enough information to really know that the meaning you're giving it is a valid one.
The meaning you give it will determine how you feel. It can either empower you or disempower you.
The truth is that 3 people can look at a similar event and have 3 completely different meanings for it 😊😏😞. 
The meaning you give things is usually a conditioned habit (sort of like the glass is half empty or half full) and that can be changed.
When you change the meaning you give things you can go from being worried, sad, disempowered to being empowered, hopeful or neutral.
In any given moment, choose how you want to feel - then ask yourself “what would I need to believe, right now, in order to feel (love, joy, hope, peace, forgiveness, compassion...), then choose that!❤️

I responded with "You really don't know what is going on in her life. Most of the time someone's distance has nothing to do with us but rather what the person is going through in their own life. Reach out to her and tell her that, while you are concerned that she has not returned your calls and other attempts to reach, you don't want to draw to any conclusion about why that might be. Tell her that you would appreciate reassurance that your friendship is still as important to her as it is to you. Offer to be of support if she needs it and then let that go and see what comes of it". This is a more empowered approach to this situation.. 

Giving you permission to create empowering habits 💖

Sending you lots of love and blessings....

PS I have completely upgraded my ability to give situations more powerful meanings so that I can feel empowered and let go of the worry.

Do you struggle with this? It's what I'm trained to help you with so that you can have a more worry free life and live joyfully.

Is it time for you to schedule a chat so you can explore what's possible for you? 

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