Subject: Where do you really stand Friend?

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A pianist sat at the grand piano; his fingers flowed over the keys as the melody filled the air like a bird’s song on a spring’s morning. 

He was a master at his craft and spectators watched in awe as he commanded each note into a beautiful symphony.

In the audience sat a man, riveted by the mastery of this pianist.

After the performance, the man walked over to the pianist and said “Wow! That performance was magnificent! I would give anything to be able to play like that!”.

To which the pianist replied, “No you wouldn’t”.

Isn’t that the truth Friend? 

Everybody wants to ‘want to’; doing the work to get the thing they want, well that’s a different story.

We tend to look at someone’s accomplishment while rarely realizing everything it took for them to achieve it.

Working on becoming the best version of ourselves is no different. Creating inner change takes:

1. A real commitment to doing whatever it takes to reach your ideal state
2. Taking consistent action towards learning what is missing and applying what you learn
3. Tenacity to stick with it even when it seems that your efforts aren’t paying off
4. The willingness to remain open to new ideas and methods that can shift your beliefs/habits
5. Recognizing that there is no ONE QUICK FIX; we are complex beings and shifting that complexity takes time

This is what I’ve done for 35+ years now.

It’s so much easier to admit that we aren’t ready to actually do the work to make the shift than to continually proclaim we want the shift but never truly doing anything to attain it. Doing so puts us out of integrity and makes us a liar.

Today, I’m giving you permission to be honest with yourself about where you stand on this.

It’s okay if you’re not ready (or willing), but do be honest about that with yourself and others.

When I was overweight for many years I realized how ridiculous I sounded every time I said I wanted to lose weight while stuffing my face with everything that was counter to that goal. Eventually I began to tell the truth; I was NOT ready to do what it took to lose the weight. It felt better to be honest.  Now I am ready to claim that as my goal because I'm ready to follow through with what it will take to achieve it.

If you’re ready, BE ready! 
Do what it takes!
Learn what you need to learn and take the steps (even if small ones) to apply new things into your life. 

If you’re ready, maybe you should really consider working with someone who can guide you; someone who has walked that path before you. Change is NOT possible on our own because we can only do what we know to do or learn what we know we  'don’t yet know'. The biggest piece is when you don’t know what you don’t know. That has to come from someone else.

And if you’re not ready, that's okay. It's perfectly fine that you are where you are.  No judgement. 
Let it be OK for yourself; don't judge it as wrong because it's not; it just IS. 

No one can tell you when it’s the right time for you to take action on what you want to improve in your life – believe me when I say, you will know when it is because all your old excuses will just fly out the window and will be replaced with step #1 above -  A real commitment to doing whatever it takes to reach your ideal state.

So I'm curious... were do you stand on this?

Just know... there is NO wrong answer, there is just - the truth (and the truth is always RIGHT)!

Here to serve ♥

Transformational Coach

InVision Coaching by Elena Zanfei

Live your BEST life possible!!!
If you ARE ready, and you want to chat about how I could possibly help you ACHIEVE what it is you desire... then just click here and schedule a time but PLEASE.... only do so if you ARE ready. Nothing will change until you ARE 

Elena is a Transformational Mindset Coach for driven professional/entrepreneurial women who, in spite of their success and qualifications, still feel insecure at times.

Elena uses her extensive 35-year training in human potential and personal development, along with her own triumph over personal tragedies, to teach what it takes to develop confidence with staying power. Her experiences, training and commitment have helped her become strong and resilient allowing her to help other women do the same.

When her clients discover themselves at a deeper level and implement new practices, it allows them to create massive success in their personal and professional lives by remaining in a state of self-empowerment.  They step into being AWESOME!
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