Subject: When you know there is more...

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Hey Friend,

The Awesome You Program is closing for registration in 24HRS! When you register today, you’ll FINALLY have the answers to your biggest questions:
  1. Why do I feel the way I do?
  2. Why has it been so hard for me to change?
  3. Why do I always respond with ____ to ____?
  4. Can I really be happy?
  5. Why do I get so sad?
  6. Why do I never seem to get any further even thought I'm working so hard?
  7. Is this really the life God wanted for me?
And really, any other question that has been alluding you.

Better yet, you’ll FINALLY have the PLAN you’ve been hungry for. You’ll know exactly how to think, what to do, and what your next steps should be...

In the Awesome You Program I’ll teach you:
  1. THE MIND - Explore where you are now, what’s NOT working and how the MIND works to keep you there. A science class reality check. (This modules has completely transformed the life of SEVERAL students.)
  2. BELIEFS - Deep dive into the power of beliefs, discovering your limiting ones, and how they lock you in a pattern.detail the title of EACH module of your course, and write one sentence summarizing how awesome it is.
  3. THE MIND (part 2), get to know the Ego vs. your spirit - Meet your future/higher self.
  4. HIGHEST VISION- Create your highest vision with an empowering 'why' and discover the next steps
  5. ENERGY - Learn all about how energy and how it applies to your thoughts
  6. WORDS - Understand the power of words and how to use them to empower and create your desires
  7. HABITS - Create the proper habits & routines that support your vision
  8. SOURCE - Connecting to the source of your power will remove overwhelm and multiply your resourcefulness
  9. TRUTH - Truth and the profound impact this has on your conscience and Ego.
  10. FORGIVENESS - Explore forgiveness, what makes it so difficult, how your evolution requires it

As you’ll see, the course is just $137 a month with discount code AY50. That’s NOTHING compared to the years and time you’ll save by finally learning how to do everything my course will teach you. And remember, my course has a 100% guarantee. So no risk.

Please remember: in 24HRS this offer is gone, meaning you’ll lose the awesome bonuses, like the Low Of Attraction Cafe but most importantly, the huge discount.

Let me know if you have any questions, because we’re coming down to the wire. It’s your time to figure this out. I’m ready to help. But you need to register before it’s gone and I’m busy helping everyone else do what YOU should be doing! Hop in!
Here is a testimonial from ONE of my clients!
Download now

PS. Don’t forget, if you signup by midnight Monday night, you get to join at a whopping 50% discount, for just $137 a month. That is an unheard of investment for the value and the changes you will experience.

I hope you're ready to discover the YOU God intended for you because you will not only meet her, you will BECOME her.

P.S. What will your life look like a year, 2-years, 5-years from now if NOTHING changes? What COULD it look like if you get the answers, the guidance and the love you've been needing? Magic is what it could look like. Come join me.... .

