Subject: When you don't know that you have a terminal desease

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Checking in with you today Friend,

to remind you of something that most people try NOT to think about....

You have a terminal disease... and it's called LIFE!

Now I don't mean to scare you; I know that the word 'terminal' elicits great fear in many... and for some, it may be a real situation unfolding around you. 

We all want to live forever. 

But (and I use BUT very strategically these days -more about that in another email), that's part of the problem. We live in an illusion that we have ALL the time we desire.

We don't!

We put off so many things to a 'some day' when we're more ready, more prepared, when it's more convenient when... well, you get the point.  

We put things OFF as if we had ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD!

Remembering that we do NOT, can be a positive push towards actually LIVING the life that you want, NOW.

There was a poem or story that was circulating around years ago, you've probably read it. It reminded us to do things now instead of putting them off towards some future point.  It was written from the perspective of a dying woman. She writes that had she known her life would end soon, she would have used the good dishes every day. She would have danced in the rain, worn her expensive dresses, taken that vacation, written that book and the list goes on.

So, I want to remind you today - LIVE YOUR LIFE NOW, it is the ONLY time that is guaranteed you.

Play in the rain
Dance to your favorite music
Sing in the shower and yes, even in the car
Tell that person you love them
Drink that expensive champagne 
Wear that special dress you save for ________ (fill in the blank)
Write to that person you've been meaning to write to
Write that book that's in your heart
Take that trip you've been dreaming about
Buy that dream home
Go bungee jumping or skydiving or on that hot air balloon ride...

Live your life NOW and cherish every moment, every experience, every meal, every joy for they are all, a fleeting gift.

Every day is a new opportunity for you to ACT on those things in your heart.

What if you lived each day knowing... tomorrow is not guaranteed?
What would you do differently?
What would you appreciate more?

Do it now!!!

Here's to living a FULL life Friend,


Transformational Coach
InVision Coaching by Elena Zanfei

Elena is a Transformational Mindset Coach for driven professional/entrepreneurial women who, in spite of their success and qualifications, still feel insecure at times.

Elena uses her extensive 35-year training in human potential and personal development, along with her own triumph over personal tragedies, to teach what it takes to develop confidence with staying power. Her experiences, training and commitment have helped her become strong and resilient allowing her to help other women do the same.

When her clients discover themselves at a deeper level and implement new practices, it allows them to create massive success in their personal and professional lives by remaining in a state of self-empowerment.  They step into being AWESOME!
