Subject: When THIS day arrives...

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And the day came Friend, when you opened your eyes and realized, someday was here.

All the times you said "Someday, I am going to figure out why I never feel quite happy", "Someday, I'm going to discover my passion and go for it", "Someday, I am going to have the confidence I need to do _____", "Someday I am ________", were reverberating in your ears as you gazed into the mirror at the tired, weary face looking back at you. You saw that body that lived a lifetime of missed opportunities, missed joys and missed moments as you waited for the right someday to come and now, someday was staring back at you.

You sighed as a tear streamed down your face realizing your train was rounding the corner to the final stop as you waited for someday. You realized the life you could have had, the songs you could have sang and dances you could have danced. Visions of you surrounded by love, having work that filled your heart, laughing with family and friends, so free to be you sweep across your mind. But time was now no longer on your side.

You lived the same kind of day over and over, conditioned by beliefs you never questioned. You felt defeated, frustrated, confused and alone day after day yet you stubbornly held to the notion that 'someday', you would change all of that and now... someday was gone.

But with a gasp you awaken and realize, it was all just a nightmare. You now realize that you DO have the chance to claim the life you dream of, because your train has not yet rounded the corner, and there IS still time. You thank God for another opportunity as a tear of gratitude rolls down your face.

So you leap out of bed and you vow that someday is NOW. You will no longer wait to be the person God intended you to be. You will seek your answers, find the guidance, do the work to unleash your truest and highest self.

THIS is why God created me. Why HE allowed my suffering to yield powerful knowledge and results so I might help others claim the life God intended THEM to have and do it NOT someday, but NOW.

I am waiting for our chat Friend, so I can tell you how we do that.

Do NOT wait another day to live as God intended you to live. Joy IS possible yet you must CLAIM it.

Let's talk.

To your beautiful, joyful life Friend ☺

P.S. God did NOT intend for you to suffer. Happiness is your birth right yet it requires that you CLAIM it!!!

You don't have to wait for someday. You don't have to study for 35 years or spend hundreds of thousands of dollars - I DID that so you don't have to.

Someday is NOW! Make your life your Gift to God.

Work with me. Let me teach you the lessons of success that's taken me so long to learn.


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