Subject: The ONE thing most people don't have but need

Do you have a VISION for your life  Friend? I mean, a REAL vision, with clarity about everything you desire for ALL areas of your life?

If you're like MOST people, you don't. 

You have ideas of some things you desire, but not a complete picture of a life you would call IDEAL. No clear image of WHO you want to BE, WHAT you want to DO, WHOM you want around you, and most importantly, what you want to FEEL & EXPERIENCE. 

Most people are afraid to dream. 

It's one of the biggest hurdles to overcome with most of my clients because they are living REALISTICALLY.

It's not our fault!! From early on, we are taught to be REALISTIC and to not be a dreamer. We are afraid to DREAM BIG for fear of being disappointed so we settle for a REASONABLE life. But the truth is, we are often disappointed anyway aren't we?

Since we were taught to think this way, we also TEACH to think this way. We tell our own children to be realistic because we have been realistic about what is possible for us in our own lives. We rarely believe that we can have a life of purpose and meaning with ample love and joy.

I'm here to tell you... the ONE thing we ALL need but few have is a CLEAR VISION of the life we want to live in our short time on this planet.

Our life vision, a compelling vision can...
  • set the focus for your life
  • drive and determine your decisions in all matters of your life
  • dictate what you say YES or NO to
  • set the stage for new encounters, connections and possibilities
A LIFE Vision is virtually your GPS to guide you to achieving it.

There are hundreds of thousands of people experiencing virtually impossible achievements, having lives that defy all odds.

Why? Because they SAW it, rehearsed it, believed it was possible. And that internal GPS guided them to it.

They KNEW where they were going. They visualized it every day. It magnetized their brain towards that outcome and subconsciously drove decisions that would align them with that possibility.

Stop focusing on what you DON'T want - what you THINK about, you bring about.
Think instead of what you WISH to bring into your life.

Take a moment and answer these questions with regards to what an ideal life would look like for you. Answer these in the PRESENT tense as if it was happening NOW.

What do you look like, feel like?
What sorts of things are you doing?
What types of people are in your life?
Where you do you live/work/play? NOT a specific geographical area but what does it look like and feel like there?
What do you do for fun?
What does your body and health look like?
What's a perfect day in this life?

Write the answers to the questions as a declaration statement for your LIFE VISION - at the very bottom write "THIS OR SOMETHING BETTER". Now post it somewhere where you can see it and read it. Never mind how far your REALITY is from this IDEAL... just write it and read it and then...

TRUST in the POWER of the universe to guide you there. 
Trust in the God/Creator that can take a sperm and a cell and create a YOU out of it - now THERE is true magic.
This force is able to help you manifest the life you dream of. 

We usually GET what we EXPECT to get. Think about THAT!

Hit reply and share your Vision with me or at least, tell me you did the exercise. I really want to know.
Giving you permission to DREAM and believe that dreams CAN come true 😍 

Sending you lots of love and blessings...

PS " A life without vision is like taking a trip without a road-map - you end up where you end up but rarely where you really wanted to go" Elena Zanfei

If you're ready to create a vision and then want assistance in setting the course for it, click HERE and schedule a chat with me and let's explore how I can help you with it ALL. It's so doable and it's all virtual :-) 

Life is fleeting... make each day count!

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