Subject: The Miracle You're Seeking

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Hi Friend,

I’ve got important news for you…

The miracle you’re seeking is seeking YOU!

It’s a law of the universe, but IS IT WORKING for you?

For most people it’s not.

There’s an art to being found by those miracles that are seeking you.

Discover that art here

My miracle attracting friends, Marci Shimoff and Debra Poneman, have created a blueprint so that you can be found more easily and more often by the miracles that are searching high and low to find YOU.

You may already know that Marci is the best-selling author of Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul and Happy for No Reason in addition to being a teacher in The Secret.

She has reunited with her first mentor, Debra Poneman, to help you experience more miracles in your life.

Get your FREE Blueprint for a Miraculous Life here

Use this Blueprint to kick off 2016 in a powerful way and start enjoying all the miracles you desire! They really are waiting for you.

Here’s to a miraculous 2016!
P.S. When yo download your Blueprint for a Miraculous Life, you'll have a chance to claim a free spot in their 3 Secrets to Living in the Miracle Zone Masterclass. 

