Subject: Steps to making more $$

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Do you ever struggle with $$ Friend?

I mean, having enough of it or earning enough of it?

I can tell you that for many entrepreneurs, this is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome (and for regular working people too, for that matter). As entrepreneurs, many have walked away from the safety of a 9-5 job to do what they love, and sometimes, that does NOT come with the security of a regular paycheck.

The truth is, money is energy, and to bring that towards you, you have to have the right mindset, which in turn changes your energy so you can attract more of the things you desire.

This is a law that governs all things in life - that we get what we focus on the most (prosperity or lack). The problem is that many of us focus on why things are "hard" and why we "can't" do something, and so we attract that very thing.

My friend and partner, Coach Cat and I are putting together a 2 hour Master Class to teach entrepreneurs how to get over this money hurtle once and for all; we call it the Money Mindset Make Over because, well, that's what it will be 😁.

Here's the thing, most people are not even aware of their deepest beliefs about money. Most of us don't spend time thinking about all the nuances that govern the attraction of money.

To make money, you basically have to:

  1. Know all your beliefs about money (even the hidden ones).

  2. Once you know those, you have to up-level them, so they work for you and not against you.

  3. You have to get clear on what you really want and start focusing on that rather than what you don't have.

  4. You also have to address the fears you face as a business owner and know how to collapse those.

  5. And you have to get really clear on what having money really means to you.

We're planning on a 20+ page workbook because doing the inner work needs a roadmap, and we'll give plenty of time to work through the various exercises (because on our own, we won't do it).

I just wanted to let you know we're creating this to think about anyone you know who might need this type of guidance and information. I can tell you that with a combined experience of 30+ years, Cat and I have poured all we know into this Master Class, so it's going to be outstanding.

We'll include PowerPoint slides, teach you the science behind beliefs, provide lots of examples, take you through a guided visualization to deepen the experience and give you plenty of worksheets to really dig in and get to the real truth about what money means to you. You will create an abundance mindset after going through this training to attract prosperity once and for all.

It's going to be juicy 🍑. Let me know if you have any interest in this - reply to this email.

Here's what I do know, having an abundance of money allows us to be more generous and to serve the world in a much bigger way since all of OUR needs are taken care of.

Let's focus on abundance and creating a heart of abundant attraction and generosity.

To your abundance Friend ☺

P.S. Learning to shift your inner money game is tough on our own - I'm speaking from experience.

Learning to do so was paramount to my own journey and something I love to teach other women now.

Schedule a time to chat so I can share with you how I can teach YOU to give yourself an inner upgrade that triggers abundance coming to you. Let's make you the most generous abundant personal you know.

Life is fleeting... let's make it count not only for ourselves but for others as well 💖


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