Subject: Sometimes we just have to check out for a while 🤕

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HI!!! How are you?

I know I've been missing for a while and I do miss communicating with you but the truth is, I just had to check out for a while.

Has that every happened to you? Where you just had to walk away from everything for a while because you needed YOU?

The last 3 months have been hell and honestly, I just couldn't muster up any more energy other than what I needed just to get through every day and also meet with my one-on-one clients (bless them for being so understanding and loving) that was the ONLY thing giving me a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

I've been off social media, off of everything and just focusing on healing.

I had a hip replacement on June 30 (is that a sign of getting old? ugh) and it was a nightmare.

What could go wrong, went wrong and what should have been a simple, outpatient thing, got dragged out, 3 months.

Okay, okay, I'll spare you the bleeding deets, lets just say, I've been tending to me these past months.

It was hard, I went through a depression (yup, even after 37 years of personal development, I still can get depressed), I had to process old traumas that got re triggered as I was completely vulnerable and had to rely on others for everything :-(.

Let's just say, there's been a lot of crying, a lot of sleeping, a lot of fear and then more crying.

Through it all I was committed to being honest with myself and allowing whatever was showing up to just BE and not making it wrong. Good lesson God!

And now, I'm coming out of it (not quiet completely restored but good enough to sit in front of my PC for periods of time) and taking the lessons built within it with me.

And that's really IT!
Everything is a lesson!

Mostly the shitty parts are the big lessons!

I've been open to learning what all this meant and I'm sharing it with you so that you will also seek to find what the shit storms are meant to show you, teach you.

When we do that, it makes going through the twists of life a little more tolerable, knowing that we will get to the other side with a little more wisdom.

Sending you lot of love and hoping you are well where you are.

P.S. What's been hard for you to go through in your life? What did it teach you? Would love to know.

