Hi Friend!
How are you doing today?
I was searching online for quotes about happiness, and I found quite a few of them. I guess that speaks to the popularity on the subject, hey?
Everyone is looking for happiness, but I think we look for it in the wrong ways.
The one that stood out was "Happiness is letting go of what you think your life should look like" - author unknown. I would have loved to have given credit for this to someone because it resonates so true for me.
If we can see our life as the perfection it is, even when it's not, then happiness can be realized.
Today's Reflection titled "The Road to Happiness is as Short or Long as I make it" talks about how happiness is what we perceive in life and situations. I guess you could say then that happiness is the way we look at things.
Go HERE to read today's Reflection and then reply to this email and let me know what happiness means to you? How do you find it? How do you create it?
Something for you to Reflect on today 🙏🏼
I am sending you much love and wishing you a HAPPY Day Friend. Ciao!