Subject: ✍️Reflection: Seasons Inspire me to Accept Change🍂

Hi Friend!! 

How are you doing today? Well I hope!!

Yesterday was a gorgeous fall day here in the Midwest and I took advantage of it by going for a hike at a beautiful nature preserve.

While walking I was discussing the change of the seasons with my friend and it got me is like the changing seasons.

Change is difficult for me but change is something that is constant - we live in an expanding universe and nothing stays the same for long.

Each season has it's blessings, it's lessons and its challenges along with the promise of renewal and expansion around the corner.

Read my thoughts in today's Reflection titled  "The Seasons Inspire me to Accept Change" to encourage you to see the beauty of life and its seasons. Click HERE to read it now.

Accepting the changes of life, from spring to fall and winter, allows us to ebb and flow with the energy that is constantly in motion in our world. 

As we enter into the fall and then winter, allow yourself the down time and hibernation to rest and recharge for the Spring and Summer that are just around the corner.

Now grab a cup of your favorite hot beverage and ponder the Reflection Questions inside today's Reflection.

Sending you much love and wishing you a restful day Friend 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻. Ciao!

P.S. Change can be difficult for many and downright impossible for some.

Holding on too tightly to how things SHOULD be can keep us from flowing into the lessons that would have us expand, grow and flourish.

Grab a spot on my calendar below so we can chat about how I can help you embrace the changes that would transform you and your life

Unless of course your life is everything you want it to be in which case, kudos to you dear friend!! 💝

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