Subject: ✍️Reflection: Limited resources increase my thankfulness

Hi Friend?

How are you today? 💖

Well I hope.

Have you ever followed a recipe to a T Friend? It's pretty predictable how the dish will turn out right? But what if you're short on one or two ingredients - what then? In those moments, did you ever push through and get creative to find an alternative way to get to the end result? Like substituting one thing for another? And don't you find, in those moments you get creative, you end up being grateful for what you did find as a substitute? Sometimes, it actually turns out even better than if you had all the right 'ingredients' from the get go. Funny how that goes.

The same goes for life. Sometimes, NOT having something, pushes us to become creative in achieving a result without it. It can also make you more grateful because a little more of you had to go into achieving the outcome you wanted. 

It's the same concept of earning something as opposed to having it handed to you. Lack of something teaches us creative resourcefulness.

Some thoughts to ponder in today's Reflection titled Limited Resources Increase my Thankfulness  - Click HERE to read it.

Life is funny that way... sometimes, when we have to exert more effort, we actually benefit all the more for it.

Remember that when you lack the resources you THINK you need - this may just be the opportunity to expand your resourcefulness and bring you a whole new level of gratitude for it.

Hit reply to this email and let me know what you have discovered about pushing through lack and becoming more resourceful - I would really love to know.

Sending you much love and wishing you much creativity
Friend 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻

P.S. 💌 Friend, Emotional Intelligence is the ability to trust in every moment being 'just as it should be'. Without fear and worry occupying your brain space, you're able to step into taking your logical next step. This is difficult to do if you are struggling with stories from the past and worries for the future. 

When we process and heal those things we tend to carry with us, we automatically become more resourceful and able to live powerfully in the moment. 

Here's the link to my calendar if you want to schedule a time 💝 to chat and see how I can help you develop the higher level of Emotional Intelligence that shifts your life in its entirety, opens doors, and creates success in every area of your life. It's my GIFT to you - heart to heart, and the conversation is always free and without any pressure.

You never know what's possible unless you are willing to look. Life is short. Make it count 💝

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