Subject: ✍️Reflection: I am decisive 👆

Hi Friend! 

Do you make decisions quickly or do you belabor them for a long time?

Did you know that your ability to make decisions quickly is actually a sign of how much you trust in yourself?

Successful people make decisions quickly and change their mind slowly.

They trust in their ability to choose and are comfortable living with their decisions knowing that nothing is forever and we learn from every decision we make.

That is today's topic or the Reflection titled "I am Decisive".  Click HERE to read it now.

Learn to make decisions quickly by making more and more decisions and learning to trust your own discernment

Something for you to Reflect on today 🙏🏼

Sending you much love and wishing you a day filled with powerful decision making Friend 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻. Ciao!

P.S. Some people lack the self confidence required to make decisions and so they become stuck, immobilized and not able to move forward.

Helping you find your inner strength so you can be bold in every area of your life is my specialty. Let me teach you to find your HIGHEST self.

Unless of course your life is everything you want it to be in which case, kudos to you dear friend!! 💝

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