Subject: ✍️Reflection: I am Blessed with Strength

Hi Friend! 

I hope this communication finds you enjoying a beautiful Summer Sunday.

In my last communication, I mentioned how you discover many new things about yourself when you begin inner work. One other quality developed/realized through our SELF Development is that of inner Strength.

When we don't know who we indeed are, it isn't easy to imagine the inner power we possess. When we begin to see ourselves at our core level, in the way that correct self-reflection allows, we find the strength that has gotten us through many things in life. When our focus is on what is TRUE about us, we discover, grow and expand because we begin to give them our attention and nurture them.

Focusing on our strength and how we have expressed it provides the fuel for us to experience more and more of it.  

What would happen if, through deeper exploration, you were to discover how powerful you are?

Life would change, that's what. Ask any of the ladies in my Awesome You program - they discovered so much about their true identity and found their strength.

Today's Reflection titled "I am Blessed with Strength" talks about how strength grows proportionately to how much you use it. 

Go HERE to read today's Reflection.

Let me know the strength you recognize within yourself. How did you develop it, and when does it show up?

Something for you to Reflect on today 🙏🏼

I am sending you much love and wishing you a powerful dayFriend. Ciao!

P.S. Inner work is one of the most rewarding undertakings. Not only do you get to remove the vail you've living under (like most of us do), you also get to find your true self. I'm talking about the YOU that God intended you to be. There, in the soul, you wait to be explored, found and released to all the greatness that lies inside God's created version of you.

Schedule a time for us to chat - I'll tell you exactly how I can help you do the same

Unless, of course, your life is everything you want it to be, in which case, kudos to you, dear friend!! 💝

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