Subject: ✍️Reflection: I Listen To My Heart

Good morning dear Friend! 

I hope that the sun is shining on you today and that your heart is filled with gladness 😊

Your heart is truly the epicenter of your life. 

It holds wisdom, guidance and is the part directly connected to your soul.

Often people disregard the feelings of their heart; however, that is a huge mistake.

Decisions primarily made from logic are missing the link to your innermost wisdom that lies in your heart.

Joy resides in your heart. So does love, and so does sorrow. The truth is that your heart is always TRUE to what is real for you at any given moment.

That's why listening to your heart is at times even more important than listening to your head. Finding the balance, or at least the harmony of both, is the real key to a happy life.

In today's Reflection titled "I Listen To My Heart" I share with you how to listen to your heart in a way that creates greater emotional intelligence.

Go HERE to read today's Reflection.

When you listen to both your heart and your head, you begin to find the balance of spirit and mind. When both come together, you are on the right path.

Something for you to Reflect on today 🙏🏼

I am sending you much love and wishing you a heart-filled day Friend. Ciao!

P.S. Have you lost your ability to listen to your heart?
Do you disregard the feelings and desires that are held there?
If you continue to do so, what will you regret at the end of your life?

Creating a regret-less life is what I focus on with all my clients.
I would love to help you create a life that is aligned with your heart and not just your head. Imagine how wonderful that would be.

Schedule a time for us to chat - I'll tell you exactly how we can work together to create the most awesome life possible.

Unless, of course, your life is everything you want it to be, in which case, kudos to you, dear friend!! 💝

Our communications channels are filled with nothing but bad news, depressing statistics. People need encouragement and uplifting message more than ever. Will you help me spread the word by sharing my communications with others? I've added a link to the bottom of my inspiration messages so others can get their own - all you have to do is share the Inspiration you love with them. Thank you for sharing the love 💞
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