Subject: ✍️Reflection: Humility is more authentic than false price😌

Good morning Friend! How are you today?

How are you really?

I find that sometimes it's hard to be ok with just where we are. The good, the bad or the ugly.

Especially in today's society of social media, everything is represented not as it is but as we think it should be. Aggrandizement has normalized and authenticity seems to be losing out.

That's why you'll like today's Reflection titled  "Humility is more authentic than false pride" where I  share my take on how humility has a place in our life, especially now. Click HERE to read it now.

Being authentic is attractive, comforting and empowering. Authenticity unites us all in the challenges of being human and dealing with the reality of the ebbs and flow of life. Authenticity is also much easier to pull of - it requires no added energy other than for you to be just as you are.

Authenticity requires acceptance of what is and what is not. Acceptance is the not making any one thing or condition wrong and another right, it merely IS. This is the ONE virtue that people struggle with.

Something for you to Reflect on today 🙏🏼

Sending you much love and wishing you an authentic life Friend 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻. Ciao!

P.S. One of the greatest skills you can develop is authenticity. To learn to see yourself as you really are rather than what your self-doubt or insecurity would have you believe. Being surrounded by a community that helps support this is life-changing and what I'm creating in my new community. 

Go here and learn about the community I'm putting together for you to grow in

Unless of course your life is everything you want it to be in which case, kudos to you dear friend!! 💝

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