Subject: ✍️Reflection: Each project I work on deserves my best performance

Good Day Friend!! 

I hope today will be an excellent Sunday for you 💖

Have you ever heard of the saying "How you do anything is how you do EVERYTHING"?

I heard this saying many years ago and at that time I realized that I had already been taught this as a child.

As a small girl my mother taught me how to make a bed military style. Yes, the attention to detail made all the difference. She also taught me to sew and knit and crochet (not that I do any of those anymore). But she taught me not to cut corners, to make everything I do be the best I was capable of doing.

This lesson has stayed with me my entire life and quality is now one of my greatest values that affects all I do.

When you apply yourself to ONE thing, you will typically apply yourself to all things - the quality of your attention and intention becomes a healthy habit and a way of life.

I discuss this in today's Reflection titled "Each Project I work on deserves my best performance" 
Click HERE to read it.

When you cut corners and don't give something your BEST, your are cheating the world and yourself of your greatest gifts. On the other hand, when everything you do holds your highest regards and value, you feel good about your performance and others are blessed by it.

You create a WIN-WIN on all levels.

Sending you much love and wishing you real accomplishment Friend 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻. Ciao!

P.S. 💌 Friend, are you giving your life the best you can give?

Are you truly present to every relationship, activity and situation. Learning to be fully PRESENT is a skill that can be learned and one that can completely change your life. Being distracted or preoccupied will have you MISS the life that's right in front of you.

Let me help you get present to your life, your possibilities, your capabilities. Grab a spot on my calendar below so we can chat about it.

Unless of course your life is everything you want it to be in which case, kudos to you dear friend!! 💝

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