Subject: ✍️Reflection: Community fills my heart and helps me grow

Beautiful Sunday to you Friend!! 

I hope you're doing well today 💖

Friend where do you go to be contributed to? I know that you probably do a lot for everybody else so I'm wondering where you go to get taken care of emotionally and spiritually?

Our creator made us to be in communion with others; we are not meant to be alone.

Especially during this crazy time in humanity, communion with others is more challenging than ever before but also more important than ever before. 

Today's Reflection titled "Community fills my heart and helps me grow" speaks to this very basic human need - our need to connect. 
Click HERE to read it.

We are so greatly influenced by the people we spend time with - take the time to find a group that you can belong to and flourish in - it will completely change your life.

Sending you much love and wishing you new connections Friend 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻. Ciao!

P.S. 💌 Friend, have you ever thought what the RIGHT community could do for you?

have you ever experienced having the kind of support that truly made a difference in your life? 
That's what working with a coach can do for you - the perfect partnership in YOUR life's goals and vision.

I'd love to share with you exactly how that would work- Grab a spot on my calendar below so we can chat about it.

Unless of course your life is everything you want it to be in which case, kudos to you dear friend!! 💝

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